Chapter 7- Goodbyes and Hello’s


Daniel loves to read and does it standing up despite the fact we have a sofa, chairs and beds, he could sit on to read.


He is a great big brother and loves to play silly games with Stuart


He also helps with the cleaning


Sometimes he even cooks


With only I toddler in the house and no babies, I found some time to play video games to bring my stress levels down and my fun up


Soon more birthdays arrived, I now have no toddlers or babies in the house. Stuart is neat and wants to become an Artistic Prodigy. Harriet is a Geek and wants to become a city Native. I hope I have more girls because I don’t really think she wants to stay here and bring up lots of children.


Soon after Daniel and Dinah became Young Adults and moved out. Dinah is now a Slob and Daniel is a foodie. He is also quite Responsible. Their pictures were taken and they were added to the worlds gallery.



Samuel loves play pretend doctor with the teddies


Meet Baby Daddy 6, Elvis Quezada


I played dolls with my youngest


Harriet got a job as a babysitter


Samuel and Stuart both did some well in school they could age up to teenagers early. I was so proud. Samuel is neat and wants to become an outdoor enthauiast. Stuart is a Perfectionist who wants to be a party animal.


Stuart loves to jog around the neighbourhood


Samuel is becoming quite the handyman


Soon I went into labour and my 8th Child, Ethan was born.


Author: skyegal30

Hello everybody, and welcome to my blog, My name is Samantha. I work with children, and in my spare time, I enjoy playing Sims and reading. I love playing with sims and doing challenges. I have quite a lot.

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